Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Minor Catastrophe


On Tuesday, after school, I was just walking to my locker. Suddenly, I feel something get into my eye. I don't think much about it, and just do my work. It begins to really irritate me when I can't rub or flush it out, so I go to the nurse. She suggests it might be under my eyelid. Doesn't seem to be there, either.

I go home, and Mom gives me some eye drops. We go to the eye doctor and they do their tests of vision (which I fail for my left eye, the one with the foreign object). They look at the eye and upper eyelid under an microscope and - lo and behold - there's a tiny shard of glass on my upper eyelid. What are the chances of that happening?! Invisible to the naked eye, and it comes to me. Wow.

Hope this doesn't happen to you!

Quote of the day:
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
-Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

David W.

1 comment:

Jessica Downey said...

That freakes me out.